
Spotlight on Fresh Roots Urban Farm

Vancouver’s Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society has come up with a solution to the problem of accessing land for its market gardens. That solution is turning heads, filling bellies and educating communities.

It is particularly difficult to find parcels of a quarter acre or larger for growing food in the city, and since land access is a significant barrier to expanding urban agriculture in Vancouver – and other metropolitan areas – the Fresh Roots model is a welcome success.

The Society is working with local schools and other institutions, turning their underutilized grounds into “community engaged” market gardens, where food is grown for a harvest box program, neighbourhood stands and school cafeterias; and where students, budding urban farmers and neighbours learn and socialize in beautiful outdoor classrooms.

The Real Estate Foundation has awarded two grants to the Society to support the establishment and expansion of its land use model. Fresh Roots’ initiative is precedent setting in Vancouver, and the Society is planning to share its methods and learning with others through a case study, which is in the works.

With that, we are happy to present our newest Project Spotlight Series video, featuring Fresh Roots Urban Farm!

Published on: 01st Nov 2013